10 Pound Bucket of Torula Yeast
2 Pound Bucket of Torula Yeast
50 Pound Bucket of Torula Yeast for Olive Fruit Fly
Blue Panel Trap
Boll Weevil Trap
Caulking Gun for SPLAT Verb
Citrus Leafminer Management Kit
Citrus Leafminer Starter Kit
Fruit Fly Management Kit
Fruit Fly Starter Kit
Green panel Trap
ISCA Ball Trap - Black
ISCA Ball Trap - White
ISCA Ball Trap Yellow
ISCA Pitfall Trap
ISCAlura H.assulta / Oriental Tobacco Budworm - FL224
ISCAlure A.nuxvorella / Pecan Nut Casebearer - FL203
ISCAlure B.oleae / Olive Fruit Fly - FL125
ISCAlure C.capitata / Mediterranean Fruit Fly (TML) - FL110/FL396
ISCAlure C.leucotreta / False Codling Moth - FL016
ISCAlure C.pomonella / Codling Moth - FL019
ISCAlure D.sibiricus / Siberian Silk Moth - FL269
ISCAlure E.ceratoniae / Carob Moth - FL257
ISCAlure E.lignosellus / Lesser Cornstalk Borer - FL197
ISCAlure E.postvittana / Light Brown Apple Moth - FL164
ISCAlure F.occidentalis / Western Flower Thrips - FL311
ISCAlure G.molesta / Oriental Fruit Moth - FL116
ISCAlure H.armigera / Cotton Bollworm - FL007
ISCAlure H.punctigera / Australian Bollworm - FL158
ISCAlure H.virescens / Tobacco Budworm - FL037
ISCAlure L.botrana / European Grapevine Moth - FL293
ISCAlure L.dispar / Gypsy Moth - FL043
ISCAlure L.serricorne / Cigarette Beetle - FL047
ISCAlure N.elegantalis / Tomato Fruit Borer - FL212
ISCAlure O.rhinoceros / Rhinoceros beetle - FL149
ISCAlure P.citrella / Citrus leafminer - FL183
ISCAlure P.interpunctella / Indian Meal Moth (Pantry Moth) - FL059
ISCAlure P.species / Plant Bug - FL317
ISCAlure R.ferrugineous / Red Palm Weevil - FL176
ISCAlure R.palmarum / South American Palm Weevil - FL179